The Badlands…Beyond Sunsets and Sunrises
When we think of landscape photography, our minds often drift to grand vistas and breathtaking sunsets, but there’s so much more to explore!
Why do We Photograph Trees?
Why do we photograph trees? Why is it that many photographers love to use trees as photographic subjects? It makes you contemplate whether trees, like humans, have souls. Each individual tree is unique in many ways, even within species. Much like we humans, they possess their own shapes, beauty, faults, and their own life cycles.
Integrating Color Photography into Your Repertoire
Notwithstanding my recent return to old school analog photography, I have now decided to allow a bit of color work back into my repertoire
Coming Full Circle
Some time back I wrote a blog post called “Returning to the Cradle”. In it I discussed why I was returning to shooting mostly black and white in my photography. In fact, Not only am I now shooting mostly black and white, I am also doing it using medium and large format film. I guess I have completed the return cycle.
What is He Looking at?
“What is he looking at,” asked a casual observer? During a recent photography outing to the Hocking Hills area in southern Ohio, I was approached by another photographer at one location who introduced himself and his partner. I recall they mentioned they organized photo adventures for groups. They were curious about me because as they noticed me working, they thought I must clearly be seeing or looking for different subject matter than they were.
Proficiency in Photography
Proficiency in photography is paramount. There is much said about developing your technical skills and creative vision in photography. And certainly one must conquer the basic tools of photography such as the relationships of ISO, shutter speeds, and exposure times, controlling depth of field and more. And let’s not forget the often overwhelming learning curve to operate today’s DSLRs. Navigating a camera’s multilayered function menu can be huge challenge at first.
Returning to the Cradle
Years ago, in the mid 70’s, I began my journey in photography. It all started with a Petri 35mm SLR that I purchased from a friend while serving in the Air Force. One of the on-base hobby shops was a fully equipped darkroom for developing and printing black and white film. I knew truly little about the technical aspects of photography at the time. However, the first time I saw the magic of the image slowly emerging in the developer I realized that I was hooked.